
Payment options available now:

Scrip Shopping & Gift Card Order
Enter the total amount from your order form and log in to PayPal.

Donation to Friendsof Timber Ridge
Enter the amount you wish to donate and log in to PayPal.

Information about making donations and payments

Throughout the school year, we will accept donations for Friends of Timber Ridge at any time. On a routine basis, we will accept payments for Scrip shopping/gift card orders. We will make the PayPal payment options available for other programs, such as yearbook orders, on a limited basis. Look for announcements on the blog site and through classroom communication when new payment options are available.

Using this feature requires a PayPal account which is free, fast, secure and easy to set up. You can set one up by entering a payment/donation amount and then selection the “Pay Now” button. Or, visit to get started.

About Friends of Timber Ridge

Friends of Timber Ridge is an avenue to donate to the Timber PTO at any time without going through one of our fundraising projects. Friends of Timber Ridge is our most efficient means of raising funds as more is raised per volunteer hour than any other program. Your contribution goes directly to the PTO account for making our purchase goals.

Some families use Friends of Timber Ridge to bypass other fundraisers if they prefer, which has been known as our “Un-Fundraiser” in the past. Some families choose to participate in one or more of the fundraisers and may also want to provide an additional gift to Friends of Timber Ridge.

The PTO is happy to provide several options for each family to provide whatever support they can via Entertainment Books, Cookie Dough/Wrapping Paper Sales and Friends of Timber Ridge.