Benefits of Involvment

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There are many ways to get involved with Timber Ridge PTO — from attending meetings and volunteer assignments to chairing a committee or providing leadership as a board member. We believe that any investment of your time and effort has worthwhile rewards. If you are thinking about getting involved, a great first step would be to send an e-mail to one of our contacts or attend a monthly meeting. We will welcome you at any level you choose to be involved and for any time commitment you can provide.

Here are a few benefits specific to Timber Ridge PTO:

  • By attending meetings you will receive information on school programs. For example, before PBIS (Positive Behavior Incentives and Supports) was implemented in 2012, PTO meeting attendees learned about this model, how it works and its success at other schools.
  • Members who attend meetings receive routine reports on test results (The Iowa Tests/ITBS for example) and interpretation about school, district, state and national trends from Timber Ridge administrators.
  • You can meet and network with other involved parents as well as meet and discuss issues with administrators and teachers.
  • Keep up with special events and occasions that take place at Timber Ridge.
  • Learn about developments in the Johnston Community School District, such as zoning and building projects, that affect your children’s educational future.
  • PTO is an avenue for involved parents to create and support a culture that has a positive impact on your children’s development. Many of our programs and collaborations with the school provide social and scholastic achievement opportunities as well as confidence-building activities.


More reasons to join from

  1. Your child benefits. When parents get connected to the school, children do better. Research shows children whose parents are involved get better grades, do better on tests, and have fewer discipline problems at school.
  2. Make a difference. Our mission is to create the kind of school community where teachers and administrators can do their best work and so can our children. We provide support for teachers in and out of the classroom. We provide resources they need. We help create learning opportunities for children. And we try to build the kind of supportive, caring atmosphere that makes school fun.
  3. We strive to honor your time constraints. People are often reluctant to participate because they’re afraid they’ll get pulled into a black hole of never-ending time commitment. That won’t happen here. Even an hour or two a semester really makes a difference. And we won’t push you to commit more than you want to or are able to.
  4. Volunteer work shouldn’t be drudgery. We accomplish a lot, and not everything we do is easy. But we know we’re not balancing the national debt, either. We don’t take ourselves too seriously, and we try to enjoy ourselves along the way whenever possible.
  5. Meet nice people who share your concerns. We all have a common bond. We care about creating the best possible educational experience for our children. We are neighbors and peers who share many of the same experiences. And many friendships have developed as a result of those connections.
  6. We’re welcoming. To us, there are no outsiders. We are people who have come together to work toward common goals. We couldn’t be happier to have you join us in working toward those goals.
  7. We’re about parent involvement, not fundraising. Our number one goal is to get more parents connected to the school. That’s because more than 300 independent research studies show that building parent involvement in education is the number one thing we can do to create a great school and improve student performance.
  8. This work is very rewarding. It’s seeing the bright light of learning sparkle in a child’s eye. It’s seeing the smile that shows we’re making school a little more fun and a child feel a little more comfortable in a learning environment. It’s learning that test scores have risen and knowing we played a role. There are lots of rewards, both big and small, for those who get involved.